
In this section you will find a selection of books by and about photography belonging to the Rolla Collection. The Library consists of about 3000 titles and is continually expanding. The collected volumes include first editions, rare and signed books.

Thomas Demand
Thomas Demand
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA, 2005
Roxana Marcoci, Jeffrey Eugenides
pages 144
first edition
dimensions 23.5 × 33.5 cm, Hardcover
language English
ISBN 0-87070-080-4
Lucinda Devlin
Water Rites
Steidl, Göttingen, Genmany, 2003

pages 112
first edition
dimensions 28.2 × 26 cm, hardcover with jacket
language German / English
ISBN 3-88243-928-9
Rineke Dijkstra
Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern, Germany, 2001

pages 112
first edition
dimensions 23.7 × 17.5 cm, hardcover
language English
ISBN 9-783775710152
Rineke Dijkstra
Schirmer / Mosel, München, Paris, London, 2005

pages 160
dimensions 33.5 × 26 cm, hardcover
language English
ISBN 3-8296-0151-4
Roberto Donetta
L'arte del rendere visibile
Fondazione Archivio Roberto Donetta, Corzoneso, CH, 2007

pages 68
first edition
dimensions 28 × 23 cm, softcover
language Italian
ISBN 88-85118-63-1
Peter Downsbrough
Frac Bourgogne, Dijon, France, 2005

pages 88
first edition
dimensions 24 × 19 cm, softcover
language French
ISBN 2-913994-17-2
Kant, Prague, CZ, 2000
Vladimir Birgus
pages 207
first edition
dimensions 28.5 × 23 cm, hardcover with jacket
language Cech / English
ISBN 80-86217-20-5
Jeff Dunas
American Pictures
Könemann, Köln, Germany, 2001

pages 132
first edition
dimensions 32 × 27.5 cm, hardcover with jacket
language English / German / French
ISBN 3-8290-6080-7
Roger Eberhard
Peperoni Books, Berlin, Germany, 2013
Stefania Gerke
pages 88
first edition
dimensions 28.5 × 22.5 cm, softcover with jacket
language English / German
ISBN 978-941825-47-5
William Eggleston
Los Alamos
Scalo, Zürich, Berlin, New York, 2003
Walter Hopps, Thomas Weski
pages 176
first edition
dimensions 32.8 × 33.5 cm, hardcover with jacket
language German / English
ISBN 3-908247-69-1
William Eggleston
Ancient and Modern
Jonathan Cape, London, UK, 2002
Mark Holdorn
pages 168
reprinted edition
dimensions 25.7 × 28 cm, softcover
language English
ISBN 0-224-06963-2
William Eggleston
Spirit of Dunkerque
Biro éditeur, France, 2007

pages 128
first edition
dimensions 22 × 22.2 cm, Softcover
language English / French
ISBN 978-2-35119-039-5
William Eggleston
The Democratic Forest
Doubleday, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland, 1989
Eudora Welty
pages 176
first edition
dimensions 26 × 29.5 cm, hardcover with jacket
language English
ISBN 0-385-26651-0
Aperture, New York, USA, 2001

pages 152
first edition
dimensions 35 × 26.5 cm, hardcover with jacket
language English
ISBN 0-89381-950-6
Prestel, Münich, London, New York, 1999
Ian Jeffrey
pages 104
first edition
dimensions 30.6 × 25 cm, hardcover with jacket
language English
ISBN 3-7913-2158-7
Mitch Epstein
Steidl, Göttingen, Germany, 2011

pages 72
first edition
dimensions 30 × 25 cm, hardcover in a slipcase
language English
ISBN 978-3-86930-224-9
Mitch Epstein
New York Arbor
Steidl, Göttingen, Germany, 2013

pages 96
dimensions 36.5 × 30 cm, hardcover with jacket in a slipcase
language English
ISBN 978-3-86930-581-3
Mitch Epstein
State of the Union
Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern, Germany, 2010

pages 120
first edition
dimensions 37.5 × 25.5 cm, hardcover
language English / German
ISBN 978-3-7757-2784-6
Elliott Erwitt
Elliott Erwitt's Handbook
The Quantuck Lane Press, New York, USA, 2003
Charles Flowers
pages 128
first edition
dimensions 22 × 16 cm, hardcover with jacket
language English
ISBN 0-9714548-3-3
Elliott Erwitt
Scalo, Zürich, Berlin, New York, 1994

pages 128
first edition
dimensions 29.3 × 25.5 cm, hardcover with jacket
language German
ISBN 3-905080-46-X