
In this section you will find a selection of books by and about photography belonging to the Rolla Collection. The Library consists of about 3000 titles and is continually expanding. The collected volumes include first editions, rare and signed books.

Provincia di Salerno, Salerno, Italy, 2003

pages 96
dimensions 24.5 × 33.5 cm, hardcover
language Italian
Patto dell'Agro S.p.A, Salerno, Italy, 2003
Antonio Milone, Antonella Gemei
pages 112
First edition
dimensions 25 × 34 cm, hardcover
language Italian / English
Pino Musi
Biblioteca Civica, Comune di Rovereto, Rovereto, Italy, 2002
Cesare de Seta
pages 72
first edition
dimensions 32.5 × 34.5 cm, hardcover with jacket
language Italian / English
Pino Musi
Daco, Stuttgard, DE, 1998
Werner Oechslin
pages 64
first edition
dimensions 39.7 × 31.7 cm, hardcover with jacket
language German / English
ISBN 3-87135-037-0
Paolo Mussat Sartor
Viaggio continuo
Fondazione Torino Musei, Turin, Italy, 2006

pages 264
first edition
dimensions 28 × 24 cm, softcover
language Italian
ISBN 88-88103-57-0
Eadweard Muybridge
Times Stands Still
Oxford Press University, Oxford, UK, 2003
Phillip Prodger, Tom Gunning
pages 304
dimensions 28 × 21.5 cm, softcover
language English
ISBN 0-19-514964-5
RRB Photobook, Bristol, UK, 2019

pages 160
first edition
dimensions 29 × 24.5 cm, hardcover
language English
ISBN 978-1-9997275-3-6
Arnold Newman
Arnold Newman
Taschen , Köln, DE, 2000

pages 276
dimensions 33.3 × 28 cm, hardcover with jacket
language English / German / French
ISBN 3-8228-7193-1
Helmut Newton
Photology, Milan, Italy, 1992

pages 88
first edition
dimensions 19 × 13.5 cm, hardcover
language Italian
ISBN 88-85838-96-0
Schirmer/Mosel, Munich, Germany, 2000

pages 136
dimensions 26.5 × 21 cm, softcover
language English
ISBN 1-56025-263-4
Nicholas Nixon
About Forty Years
Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco, USA, 2015

pages 96
first edition
dimensions 27 × 24.5 cm, hardcover
language English
ISBN 978-1-881337-42-3
Nicholas Nixon
Live Love Look Last
Steidl, Fraenkel Gallery, Pace MacGill Gallery, Göttingen, 2009

pages 116
first edition
dimensions 30.5 × 25 cm, hardcover with transparent jacket
language English
ISBN 978-3-86930-026-9
MOMA, New York, USA, 2007
Peter Galassi
pages 80
First edition
dimensions 24 × 29 cm, hardcover
language English
ISBN 978-0-87070-719-3
Nicholas Nixon
Pictures of People
MOMA, New York, USA, 1988
Peter Galassi
pages 126
First edition
dimensions 24 × 30.5 cm, softcover
language English
ISBN 0-87070-438-9
Stemmle, Zürich, Switzerland, 1998

pages 136
first edition
dimensions 32.5 × 22 cm, hardcover with jacket
language German
ISBN 3-908161-20-7
Paolo Novelli
Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italy, 2011

pages 64
first edition
dimensions 21.7 × 27.7 cm, hardcover
language Italian
Paolo Novelli
La notte non basta
Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italy, 2016

pages 64
first edition
dimensions 26 × 27 cm, hardcover
language Italian
Erwin Olaf
Volume II
Aperture, New York, USA, 2011
Francis Hodgson
pages 104
first edition
dimensions 33.5 × 26 cm, hardcover
language English
ISBN 978-1-59711-298-7
Catherine Opie
American Photographer
Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA, 2008

pages 288
first edition
dimensions 26 × 31.5 cm, hardcover with jacket
language English
ISBN 978-3-7757-2292-6
Gabriel Orozco
Steidl, Göttingen, Germany, 2004

pages 176
first edition
dimensions 30.5 × 24.5 cm, hardcover
language English
ISBN 3-86521-020-1